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2. International Courts and Tribunals

1. International Court of Justice / Permanent Court of International Justice
2. International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
3. Permanent Court of Arbitration
4. Iran-United States Claims Tribunal
5. Arbitration in General
6. International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes
7. European Court of Human Rights
8. Inter-American Court of Human Rights
9. International Criminal Court
10. International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia
11. Internatioanl Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda
12. Special Court for Sierra Leone
13. Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia for the Prosecution of Crimes Committed during the Period of Democratic Kampuchea
14. Special Panels for Serious Crimes - Timor Leste
15. Special Tribunal for Lebanon
16. Hybrid Courts in Bosnia, Kosovo and elsewhere
17. NGOs relating to international criminal tribunals
18. Court of Justice of the European Union
19. United Nations Administration of Justice: United Nations Dispute Tribunal and the United Nations Appeals Tribunal
20. Other Useful Links

1.International Court of Justice (ICJ) / Permanent Court of International Justice (PCIJ) : http://www.icj-cij.org/

1.1 Travaux préparatoires: http://www.icj-cij.org/pcij/other-documents.php?p1=9&p2=8

1.2 Commentaries

1.3 Judgments, Opinions and Orders

1.3.1 ICJ: http://www.icj-cij.org/

1.3.2 Permanent Court of International Justice (PCIJ): http://www.icj-cij.org/pcij/index.php?p1=9

1.4 Other Materials

2. International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea: http://www.itlos.org (-> 5. Law of the Sea)

2.1 Travaux préparatoires (-> 5. Law of the Sea)

2.2 Commentary

2.3 Judgments, Opinions and Orders

2.4 Other Materials

3. Permanent Court of Arbitration: http://www.pca-cpa.org/

3.1 Travaux préparatoires

3.2 Awards: http://www.pca-cpa.org/

@See also 5.2

3.3 Other Materials

4. Iran-United States Claims Tribunal: http://www.iusct.org/

5. Arbitration in General

5.1 Overview

5.2 Reports

6. International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID): http://icsid.worldbank.org/

6.1 Commentary

6.2 Awards and Decisions

6.3 Other Materials

7. European Court of Human Rights: http://www.echr.coe.int/echr/
(-> see also 7. Human Rights)

7.1 Judgments and Decisions

7.2 Other Materials

8. Inter-American Court of Human Rights: http://www.corteidh.or.cr/

(-> see 7. Human Rights)

9. International Criminal Court: http://www.icc-cpi.int/

9.1 Travaux préparatoires

9.2 Commentaries

9.3 Judgments and Decisions

10. International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia: http://www.icty.org/

10.1 Travaux préparatoires

10.1.2 Kalshoven (Bassiouni) Commission

10.1.3 Security Council

10.2 Commentaries

10.3 Judgments and Decisions

10.4 Other Materials

11. International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda: http://www.unictr.org/

11.1 Travaux préparatoires

11.2 Commentaries

11.3 Judgments and Decisions

11.4 Other Materials

12. Special Court for Sierra Leone: http://www.sc-sl.org/

12.1 Commentaries

12.2 Judgments and Decisions

12.3 Other Materials

13. Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia for the Prosecution of Crimes Committed during the Period of Democratic Kampuchea (Extraordinary Chambers or ECCC): http://www.eccc.gov.kh

13.1 Travaux préparatoires

13.2 Judgments and Decisions

13.3 Other Materials

14. Special Panels for Serious Crimes - Timor Leste: -> Serious Crimes Unit (SCU):

14.1 Travaux préparatoires

14.2 Judgments and Decisions

14.3 Other Materials

15. Special Tribunal for Lebanon

15.1 Travaux préparatoires

15.2 Judgments and Decisions

15.3 Other Materials

16. Hybrid Courts in Bosnia, Kosovo and elsewhere

17. NGOs relating to international criminal tribunals

18. Court of Justice of the European Union (-> 4. EU)

19. United Nations Administration of Justice: United Nations Dispute Tribunal and the United Nations Appeals Tribunal (UNDT & UNAT)

20. Other Useful Links