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4. European Union

1. General Works
2. Treaties and Related Documents
3. Commentaries
4. Court of Justice of the European Union
5. Other Official Documents
6. Historical Documents
7. Domestic Law
8. Periodicals

1. General Works

2. Treaties and Related Documents

2.1 Treaties

2.2 International Agreements concluded by the EU

2.3 "Legislation" or "droit dérivé"

3. Commentaries

4. The Court of Justice of the European Union: http://curia.europa.eu/

4.1 Judgments and Decisions of the Court

4.2 General Works on the Court

4.3 Principal Casebooks

4.4 Case Notes

5. Other Official Documents

6. Historical Documents

7. Domestic Law

8. Periodicals

8.1 General

8.2 Specialized