表紙へ     講義のページ

神戸大学大学院国際協力研究科 2008年度後期


International Investment Law

講義の概要 Course description


講義の記録 Past classes


The first half of the course consists in a series of lectures and particularly discussions on the basic structure and the fundamental issues of international investment law. It will be based on student preparation of the course materials which will be made available in advance.

The second half of the course is alloted to presentations by students. Every student will be given an arbitral precedent (which may be composed of several awards and/or decisions) on which he/she is required to make a presentation in class and write a note at the end of the course. Students are strongly encouraged to give their presentations in English, although the possibility of doing it in Japanese is not entirely excluded.



 If this is the first time that you study the subject, reading some of the following materials in the vacation will help you a lot to follow and keep up with the lectures and discussions. Note that French is extremely important in international investment law as in all the other fields of international law, although reading French is not strictly required to follow this course.

  • Rudolf Dolzer & Christoph Schreuer, Principles of International Investment Law, Oxford, Oxford Univ.Pr., 2008, esp. "I. Nature, Evolution, and Context of International Investment Law".
  • UNCTAD, Course on Dispute Settlement, esp., Christoph Schreuer, "2.1 International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes: Overview" (2003).
  • Philippe Kahn & Thomas W. Wälde, Les aspects nouveaux du droit des investissements internationaux, Leiden, Nijhoff, 2007, notam. "Chapitre I: Les investissements internationaux, nouvelles données (P. Kahn)" & "Chapter II: The Specific Nature of Investment Arbitration (T.W. Wälde)".
  • Charles Leben, sous la direction de, Le contentieux arbitral transnational relatif à l'investissement, Paris, LGDJ, 2006, notam. Charles Leben, "L'évolution du droit des investissements : un rapid survol".
  • METI, 2007 Report on Compliance by Major Trading Partners with Trade Agreements - WTO, FTA/EPA, BIT -, esp. Part III, Chapter 5 "Investment" (the 2008 version is currently available only in Japanese)













 国際投資法国際法 (国際法の主体・外交的保護・国際責任・紛争の平和的処理)について予備知識のない受講希望者向けに,開講までに読んでおくべき基礎的文献を7月上旬にHPに掲載する上に掲載しているので,自らそれに該当すると考える者は,熟読の上で参加すること。なお,昨年度示した文献リストもHPに掲載してある(→こちら)


○成績評価方法 期末試験・平常点・レポート

 仲裁判断例検討の場合は,報告 (5040%) ・判例評釈執筆 (5030%)・講義時の討論への参加(30%) とする。模擬裁判の場合は,準備過程における活動状況 (50%) と書面作成および口頭弁論(50%)とする。





○ 学生へのメッセージ

 国際投資法は、日本が最近力を入れ始めた自由貿易協定 (FTA)・経済連携協定(EPA)においても主要な部分をなす実務上重要な課題であると共に、企業という伝統的には非国際法主体と考えられている実体と国家との関係を主として取り扱う、理論的に極めて興味深い法分野でもある。